If you were not convinced before you will be now. There is a real move towards clothing hire, quality and sustainably and it has loads of benefits for us all.
Like it or not we are all guilty of wanting the newest and latest in clothing trends. As we grow and change, it makes sense for our clothing needs to adjust and reflect these changes. We are not the person we were yesterday, nor the person we will be tomorrow. Our moods change, and our clothing is a reflection of how we feel.
Women use clothing to empower themselves. Whether it be the power suit for the boardroom meeting. Or that sexy dress to impress, fashion creates our identity; an expression on how we project ourselves to be.
So the solution to our constant consumerism is to look at ways to be resourceful while satisfying our desires. Clothing rental is a solution to both our constant consumerism and a way to be more mindful of the waste that the fashion industry produces.
We all have heard about the impact of fashion on the environment, however it feels so removed when we go shopping and we happen upon racks of beautiful clothes. But we need to always be mindful that as an individual the smallest of choices can have a ripple effect across the world. The impact is being felt and we can make a difference, one less purchase at a time.
Fashion Revolution has brought light to this through the campaign #whomademyclothes and is asking consumers to ask these questions.
There are also bigger environmental problems as a result of fashion. Water, the source of all life for the world, is under pressure from the constant demands of cotton and other textiles. Stacey Dooley’s documentary ‘Fashion’s Dirty Secrets’ and its exposé on the Aral Sea in Kazahstan that has lost over 80% of its water proved just how threatening the fast fashion industry can be.
But the environmental impacts of fashion should not stop us from the liberation that fashion has given to women – it should only make us change how we consume it. There is no need to buy a dress for one-off event, when we can rent one.
Thankfully the sharing economy is coming to centre stage for the fashion industry as we slow down our actions. Fashion rental is the equivalent of shopping online (with far cheaper prices) and you can ‘own’ the item(s) from 4 to 8 days.
At Fashion Alta Moda, you can shop online in the comfort of your own home, with a Guaranteed fit return, and if you feel like venturing out we also offer a Styling Suite where you can try on a season’s worth of fashion. Pre-book and have all your fashion needs sorted for your up-coming events.
Clothing rental is about fashion, experimenting with your style, saving money, and being mindful of our impact on the earth. Are you ready to try it out and rent a dress for your next event?